Русский язык (Определение главной информации текста)

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Вопрос 1

Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных А, B, C и D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1–5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. In an art lesson

2. At the airport

3. In a shop

4. In a museum

5. At home


Диалог A B C D
Место действия                                


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2 , 5 , 3

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Вопрос 2

вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–E и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


1. The speaker explains how tourists may harm the ocean.

2. The speaker explains how to stop the pollution of the ocean.

3. The speaker describes the advantages of a beach holiday.

4. The speaker talks about problems in the fishing industry.

5. The speaker describes the diversity of sea life.

6. The speaker talks about the potential dangers of the ocean.


Говорящий A B C D E


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Правильный ответ:

4 , 5 , 6 , 1

Полученные баллы: 0

Вопрос 3

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. вы услышите запись дважды.


Jennifer first started to feel the symptoms of her illness


1) before leaving for school.

2) in her morning class.

3) after her PE class.


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Вопрос 4

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

The doctor says that Jennifers blood pressure is


1) too low.

2) normal.

3) too high.


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Вопрос 5

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. Выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Jennifer did without breakfast because


1) she was going to be late for school.

2) she was feeling unwell.

3) she never eats breakfast.


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Вопрос 6

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. Выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Jennifer's diet is


1) healthy.

2) low-calorie.

3) protein rich.


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Вопрос 7

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. Выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


The doctor insists that they should test Jennifers


1) heart.

2) stomach.

3) kidney.



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Вопрос 8

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей. Выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


The doctor suggests that


1) Jennifer makes an appointment herself.

2) he makes an appointment for Jennifer.

3) Jennifer calls him the next day.


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Вопрос 9

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–G и заголовками 1–8. В ответ запишите цифры, в порядке, соответствующем буквам. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


1. A risky place to live in

2. In the past

3. Night guards

4. The miracle of water

5. United but varied

6. An important food producer

7. A dream state

8. Attractive to IT specialists


A. The United States is so big that there are six time zones. If you want to phone from Washington to Hawaii or central Alaska, there is a six-hour time difference. The geography and climate of the United States are extremely diverse. While people go to the beach in Florida, California and Hawaii, others, in Alaska and the Midwest, are wearing thick coats and trying to keep warm.


B. California seems to have everything – a beautiful coastline on the Pacific with beaches and a warm climate, rocky national parks and amazing skiing and snowboarding opportunities. Its largest cities, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and the state capital, Sacramento, offer cultural variety and excitement. Southern California is home to such popular attractions as Disneyland and Hollywood.


C. There are many reasons for Americans to move to California, but there are also reasons to stay away. Some people say it’s a great place to visit, but they wouldn’t want to live there. In recent years, there has been drought followed by flooding and thousands of people have become homeless, and the crops were ruined. Frequent forest fires have burnt the land and destroyed people’s homes.


D. California produces more farming products than any other American state. All kinds of fruit and vegetables grow well in the moderate climate. It is especially known for its avocados and grapes. California is not technically a "breadbasket" and it is not a top five American producer of any grain product, but it is, surprisingly, the nation's largest dairy provider.


E. The most famous children’s attraction in the world is in California. Disneyland occupies 85 acres, and lots of people are busy keeping it in order. Аnd not only people. After the park closes, an army of four-legged “workers” go out to do their job. It’s not common knowledge that Disneyland “employs” 200 wild cats that roam the grounds after sunset. Their job is to keep rats and mice away from the park. And during daylight hours the cats have a rest, hiding on the territory.


F. It is the hottest place on Earth. Yet here you can find dry lands and snowcovered peaks, beautiful sand dunes and rocky canyons. For five months of the year there is severe heat in Death Valley, and for the next seven the temperature goes down slightly. Rain rarely gets past the mountains that guard the valley. However, even this small amount of rain turns the desert into a vast colourful garden. Despite the high temperature, more than 1000 kinds of plants live within the valley.


G. South of San Francisco is Santa Clara Valley. It is famous because it has so many companies that specialize in computer technology. In fact the valley is better known as Silicon Valley, named after the material that computer chips are made of. There are also many research centers for computer hardware and software. Thousands of people from the US and abroad have moved to California to work in the computer industry.


Текст A B C D E F G


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7 , 1 , 6 , 3 , 4 , 8

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Вопрос 10

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain's most famous cooks. He has encouraged people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. His programmes are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Iceland. They were translated into over 30 languages. Jamie Oliver's cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 without any official certificate. He went to Westminster College to study economics and after that travelled to France. Jamie knew that in France cooking was a kind of art. And he wanted to master that art. It was no doubt the best place to study if he wished to become a professional chef.

After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a programme on the telly about the cafe where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his programme was a real revolution in cooking shows. Thanks to an informal and friendly manner Jamie Oliver won crowds of fans around the world.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He's a family man, with a wife and four children. He also works on a number of projects. For example, Jamie Oliver created the "Fifteen Foundation". Each year, fifteen young people are trained and taught to work in the restaurant business. It's interesting that they are not common people. They are from unhappy families, they are unemployed. Some of them were in prison or took drugs. In this way Jamie Oliver tries to help them start a new life.

Another project by Jamie Oliver was connected with school dinners and lunches. He wanted school children to begin eating healthy food instead of junk food. The British government supported the project. It spent extra 280 million pounds to improve school meals. Part of the money was spent on training cooks and buying modern equipment for schools.

It's really hard to name all the TV programmes, shows, projects that Jamie Oliver had and is still having. He's so creative and imaginative, that there's no end to new ideas and projects. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It's interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after J. K. Rowling, the "Harry Potter" writer.


Jamie Oliver has made cooking popular in different countries.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


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Вопрос 11

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain's most famous cooks. He has encouraged people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. His programmes are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Iceland. They were translated into over 30 languages. Jamie Oliver's cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 without any official certificate. He went to Westminster College to study economics and after that travelled to France. Jamie knew that in France cooking was a kind of art. And he wanted to master that art. It was no doubt the best place to study if he wished to become a professional chef.

After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a programme on the telly about the cafe where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his programme was a real revolution in cooking shows. Thanks to an informal and friendly manner Jamie Oliver won crowds of fans around the world.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He's a family man, with a wife and four children. He also works on a number of projects. For example, Jamie Oliver created the "Fifteen Foundation". Each year, fifteen young people are trained and taught to work in the restaurant business. It's interesting that they are not common people. They are from unhappy families, they are unemployed. Some of them were in prison or took drugs. In this way Jamie Oliver tries to help them start a new life.

Another project by Jamie Oliver was connected with school dinners and lunches. He wanted school children to begin eating healthy food instead of junk food. The British government supported the project. It spent extra 280 million pounds to improve school meals. Part of the money was spent on training cooks and buying modern equipment for schools.

It's really hard to name all the TV programmes, shows, projects that Jamie Oliver had and is still having. He's so creative and imaginative, that there's no end to new ideas and projects. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It's interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after J. K. Rowling, the "Harry Potter" writer.


Jamie's parents wanted their son to be a cook.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


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Вопрос 12

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain's most famous cooks. He has encouraged people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. His programmes are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Iceland. They were translated into over 30 languages. Jamie Oliver's cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 without any official certificate. He went to Westminster College to study economics and after that travelled to France. Jamie knew that in France cooking was a kind of art. And he wanted to master that art. It was no doubt the best place to study if he wished to become a professional chef.

After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a programme on the telly about the cafe where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his programme was a real revolution in cooking shows. Thanks to an informal and friendly manner Jamie Oliver won crowds of fans around the world.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He's a family man, with a wife and four children. He also works on a number of projects. For example, Jamie Oliver created the "Fifteen Foundation". Each year, fifteen young people are trained and taught to work in the restaurant business. It's interesting that they are not common people. They are from unhappy families, they are unemployed. Some of them were in prison or took drugs. In this way Jamie Oliver tries to help them start a new life.

Another project by Jamie Oliver was connected with school dinners and lunches. He wanted school children to begin eating healthy food instead of junk food. The British government supported the project. It spent extra 280 million pounds to improve school meals. Part of the money was spent on training cooks and buying modern equipment for schools.

It's really hard to name all the TV programmes, shows, projects that Jamie Oliver had and is still having. He's so creative and imaginative, that there's no end to new ideas and projects. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It's interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after J. K. Rowling, the "Harry Potter" writer.


Jamie went to France to continue studying economics.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


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Вопрос 13

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain's most famous cooks. He has encouraged people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. His programmes are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Iceland. They were translated into over 30 languages. Jamie Oliver's cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 without any official certificate. He went to Westminster College to study economics and after that travelled to France. Jamie knew that in France cooking was a kind of art. And he wanted to master that art. It was no doubt the best place to study if he wished to become a professional chef.

After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a programme on the telly about the cafe where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his programme was a real revolution in cooking shows. Thanks to an informal and friendly manner Jamie Oliver won crowds of fans around the world.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He's a family man, with a wife and four children. He also works on a number of projects. For example, Jamie Oliver created the "Fifteen Foundation". Each year, fifteen young people are trained and taught to work in the restaurant business. It's interesting that they are not common people. They are from unhappy families, they are unemployed. Some of them were in prison or took drugs. In this way Jamie Oliver tries to help them start a new life.

Another project by Jamie Oliver was connected with school dinners and lunches. He wanted school children to begin eating healthy food instead of junk food. The British government supported the project. It spent extra 280 million pounds to improve school meals. Part of the money was spent on training cooks and buying modern equipment for schools.

It's really hard to name all the TV programmes, shows, projects that Jamie Oliver had and is still having. He's so creative and imaginative, that there's no end to new ideas and projects. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It's interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after J. K. Rowling, the "Harry Potter" writer.


Jamie Oliver has become a well-known personality due to his TV show.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


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Вопрос 14

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain's most famous cooks. He has encouraged people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. His programmes are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Iceland. They were translated into over 30 languages. Jamie Oliver's cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 without any official certificate. He went to Westminster College to study economics and after that travelled to France. Jamie knew that in France cooking was a kind of art. And he wanted to master that art. It was no doubt the best place to study if he wished to become a professional chef.

After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a programme on the telly about the cafe where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his programme was a real revolution in cooking shows. Thanks to an informal and friendly manner Jamie Oliver won crowds of fans around the world.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He's a family man, with a wife and four children. He also works on a number of projects. For example, Jamie Oliver created the "Fifteen Foundation". Each year, fifteen young people are trained and taught to work in the restaurant business. It's interesting that they are not common people. They are from unhappy families, they are unemployed. Some of them were in prison or took drugs. In this way Jamie Oliver tries to help them start a new life.

Another project by Jamie Oliver was connected with school dinners and lunches. He wanted school children to begin eating healthy food instead of junk food. The British government supported the project. It spent extra 280 million pounds to improve school meals. Part of the money was spent on training cooks and buying modern equipment for schools.

It's really hard to name all the TV programmes, shows, projects that Jamie Oliver had and is still having. He's so creative and imaginative, that there's no end to new ideas and projects. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It's interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after J. K. Rowling, the "Harry Potter" writer.


Jamie's wife was against his project "Fifteen Foundation".


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated

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Вопрос 15

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain's most famous cooks. He has encouraged people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. His programmes are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Iceland. They were translated into over 30 languages. Jamie Oliver's cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 without any official certificate. He went to Westminster College to study economics and after that travelled to France. Jamie knew that in France cooking was a kind of art. And he wanted to master that art. It was no doubt the best place to study if he wished to become a professional chef.

After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a programme on the telly about the cafe where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his programme was a real revolution in cooking shows. Thanks to an informal and friendly manner Jamie Oliver won crowds of fans around the world.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He's a family man, with a wife and four children. He also works on a number of projects. For example, Jamie Oliver created the "Fifteen Foundation". Each year, fifteen young people are trained and taught to work in the restaurant business. It's interesting that they are not common people. They are from unhappy families, they are unemployed. Some of them were in prison or took drugs. In this way Jamie Oliver tries to help them start a new life.

Another project by Jamie Oliver was connected with school dinners and lunches. He wanted school children to begin eating healthy food instead of junk food. The British government supported the project. It spent extra 280 million pounds to improve school meals. Part of the money was spent on training cooks and buying modern equipment for schools.

It's really hard to name all the TV programmes, shows, projects that Jamie Oliver had and is still having. He's so creative and imaginative, that there's no end to new ideas and projects. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It's interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after J. K. Rowling, the "Harry Potter" writer.


Jamie's project the «Fifteen Foundation» gives people a chance to improve.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


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Вопрос 16

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain's most famous cooks. He has encouraged people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. His programmes are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Iceland. They were translated into over 30 languages. Jamie Oliver's cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 without any official certificate. He went to Westminster College to study economics and after that travelled to France. Jamie knew that in France cooking was a kind of art. And he wanted to master that art. It was no doubt the best place to study if he wished to become a professional chef.

After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a programme on the telly about the cafe where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his programme was a real revolution in cooking shows. Thanks to an informal and friendly manner Jamie Oliver won crowds of fans around the world.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He's a family man, with a wife and four children. He also works on a number of projects. For example, Jamie Oliver created the "Fifteen Foundation". Each year, fifteen young people are trained and taught to work in the restaurant business. It's interesting that they are not common people. They are from unhappy families, they are unemployed. Some of them were in prison or took drugs. In this way Jamie Oliver tries to help them start a new life.

Another project by Jamie Oliver was connected with school dinners and lunches. He wanted school children to begin eating healthy food instead of junk food. The British government supported the project. It spent extra 280 million pounds to improve school meals. Part of the money was spent on training cooks and buying modern equipment for schools.

It's really hard to name all the TV programmes, shows, projects that Jamie Oliver had and is still having. He's so creative and imaginative, that there's no end to new ideas and projects. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It's interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after J. K. Rowling, the "Harry Potter" writer.


The British government ignored Jamie's school meals project.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


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Вопрос 17

Jamie Oliver is a genius in the world of food and one of Britain's most famous cooks. He has encouraged people to spend more time in the kitchen and enjoy it. His programmes are shown in over 100 countries including the USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and Iceland. They were translated into over 30 languages. Jamie Oliver's cookery books are bestsellers not only in the UK but across the world.

Jamie Oliver was born in 1975 in England. From an early age he got interested in food. His parents had a pub where he often helped them in the kitchen. He actually began working there at the age of eight. Jamie cut vegetables like any other ordinary worker in the pub.

Jamie Oliver left school at 16 without any official certificate. He went to Westminster College to study economics and after that travelled to France. Jamie knew that in France cooking was a kind of art. And he wanted to master that art. It was no doubt the best place to study if he wished to become a professional chef.

After returning from France, Jamie worked in a number of British restaurants. At that time there was a programme on the telly about the cafe where Jamie worked. TV producers were impressed by the young chef. The next day Jamie received calls from five different TV companies wishing to work with him. He soon became the best-liked celebrity chef on television and his programme was a real revolution in cooking shows. Thanks to an informal and friendly manner Jamie Oliver won crowds of fans around the world.

However, Jamie devotes his time not only to cooking. He's a family man, with a wife and four children. He also works on a number of projects. For example, Jamie Oliver created the "Fifteen Foundation". Each year, fifteen young people are trained and taught to work in the restaurant business. It's interesting that they are not common people. They are from unhappy families, they are unemployed. Some of them were in prison or took drugs. In this way Jamie Oliver tries to help them start a new life.

Another project by Jamie Oliver was connected with school dinners and lunches. He wanted school children to begin eating healthy food instead of junk food. The British government supported the project. It spent extra 280 million pounds to improve school meals. Part of the money was spent on training cooks and buying modern equipment for schools.

It's really hard to name all the TV programmes, shows, projects that Jamie Oliver had and is still having. He's so creative and imaginative, that there's no end to new ideas and projects. Except television, Jamie Oliver is a writer. His every book immediately becomes a bestseller. It's interesting that he became the best-selling author in the country after J. K. Rowling, the "Harry Potter" writer.


Jamie Oliver is a talented and successful writer.


1) True

2) False

3) Not stated


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Вопрос 18

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


It was holiday time and Kevin could allow himself to sleep till late. When he _______________ (WAKE) up, it was late morning. Kevin looked through the window.


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Вопрос 19

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


His granddad __________________ (PLANT) something in the small garden in front of the house.


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Вопрос 20

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


A couple of large white ________________ (BUTTERFLY) were flying beside him. Kevin put on his shorts and a T-shirt and went off to his granddad.


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Вопрос 21

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


“If you go on sleeping till midday, you __________________ (MISS) the whole summer,” said the old man.


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Вопрос 22

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


Kevin laughed and hugged him: “Don’t worry. It’s only the _________________ (FOUR) day of my holidays. I still have two weeks ahead.”


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Вопрос 23

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


“Right,” agreed the grandfather, “And tomorrow we are going fishing. It means you need to get up at five in the morning.” Kevin made a face but __________________ (NOT / PROTEST).


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Вопрос 24

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


The next morning, at dawn, the grandfather shook Kevin’s shoulder. When the boy opened his eyes, the old man gave ________________ (HE) two fishing rods.


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Вопрос 25

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


“They are both yours,” said the grandfather, “They _________________ (MAKE) of bamboo.


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Вопрос 26

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


An old friend of mine made them himself and they are much ________________ (GOOD) than anything you can find in the shops.” Kevin took the rods – they were light and very smooth.


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Вопрос 27

Most people love travelling. Some people prefer exotic countries, others like the __________________ (EUROPE) capitals with their famous museums, galleries and historical monuments. However, to travel does not always mean to go far away. There are lots of __________________ (FANTASY) places in our own countries and even in our own regions! As for the means of transport, planes are the fastest and the most __________________ (COMFORT) but they don’t suit everyone. There are people who are afraid of flying. Another factor against planes is that the tickets are very __________________ (EXPENSE) and not everyone can afford them. There are lots of passengers who definitely prefer trains for their ___________ (SAFE) and reasonable prices. Trains are also better for the environment. Planes, unfortunately, produce gases that are very ___________ (HARM) to the atmosphere of the planet.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«Most people love travelling. Some people prefer exotic countries, others like the __________________ (EUROPE) capitals with their famous museums, galleries and historical monuments.»


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Вопрос 28

Most people love travelling. Some people prefer exotic countries, others like the __________________ (EUROPE) capitals with their famous museums, galleries and historical monuments. However, to travel does not always mean to go far away. There are lots of __________________ (FANTASY) places in our own countries and even in our own regions! As for the means of transport, planes are the fastest and the most __________________ (COMFORT) but they don’t suit everyone. There are people who are afraid of flying. Another factor against planes is that the tickets are very __________________ (EXPENSE) and not everyone can afford them. There are lots of passengers who definitely prefer trains for their ___________ (SAFE) and reasonable prices. Trains are also better for the environment. Planes, unfortunately, produce gases that are very ___________ (HARM) to the atmosphere of the planet.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«However, to travel does not always mean to go far away. There are lots of __________________ (FANTASY) places in our own countries and even in our own regions!»


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Вопрос 29

Most people love travelling. Some people prefer exotic countries, others like the __________________ (EUROPE) capitals with their famous museums, galleries and historical monuments. However, to travel does not always mean to go far away. There are lots of __________________ (FANTASY) places in our own countries and even in our own regions! As for the means of transport, planes are the fastest and the most __________________ (COMFORT) but they don’t suit everyone. There are people who are afraid of flying. Another factor against planes is that the tickets are very __________________ (EXPENSE) and not everyone can afford them. There are lots of passengers who definitely prefer trains for their ___________ (SAFE) and reasonable prices. Trains are also better for the environment. Planes, unfortunately, produce gases that are very ___________ (HARM) to the atmosphere of the planet.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«As for the means of transport, planes are the fastest and the most __________________ (COMFORT) but they don’t suit everyone. There are people who are afraid of flying.»


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Вопрос 30

Most people love travelling. Some people prefer exotic countries, others like the __________________ (EUROPE) capitals with their famous museums, galleries and historical monuments. However, to travel does not always mean to go far away. There are lots of __________________ (FANTASY) places in our own countries and even in our own regions! As for the means of transport, planes are the fastest and the most __________________ (COMFORT) but they don’t suit everyone. There are people who are afraid of flying. Another factor against planes is that the tickets are very __________________ (EXPENSE) and not everyone can afford them. There are lots of passengers who definitely prefer trains for their ___________ (SAFE) and reasonable prices. Trains are also better for the environment. Planes, unfortunately, produce gases that are very ___________ (HARM) to the atmosphere of the planet.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«Another factor against planes is that the tickets are very __________________ (EXPENSE) and not everyone can afford them.»


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Вопрос 31

Most people love travelling. Some people prefer exotic countries, others like the __________________ (EUROPE) capitals with their famous museums, galleries and historical monuments. However, to travel does not always mean to go far away. There are lots of __________________ (FANTASY) places in our own countries and even in our own regions! As for the means of transport, planes are the fastest and the most __________________ (COMFORT) but they don’t suit everyone. There are people who are afraid of flying. Another factor against planes is that the tickets are very __________________ (EXPENSE) and not everyone can afford them. There are lots of passengers who definitely prefer trains for their ___________ (SAFE) and reasonable prices. Trains are also better for the environment. Planes, unfortunately, produce gases that are very ___________ (HARM) to the atmosphere of the planet.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«There are lots of passengers who definitely prefer trains for their ___________ (SAFE) and reasonable prices.»


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Вопрос 32

Most people love travelling. Some people prefer exotic countries, others like the __________________ (EUROPE) capitals with their famous museums, galleries and historical monuments. However, to travel does not always mean to go far away. There are lots of __________________ (FANTASY) places in our own countries and even in our own regions! As for the means of transport, planes are the fastest and the most __________________ (COMFORT) but they don’t suit everyone. There are people who are afraid of flying. Another factor against planes is that the tickets are very __________________ (EXPENSE) and not everyone can afford them. There are lots of passengers who definitely prefer trains for their ___________ (SAFE) and reasonable prices. Trains are also better for the environment. Planes, unfortunately, produce gases that are very ___________ (HARM) to the atmosphere of the planet.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.


«Trains are also better for the environment. Planes, unfortunately, produce gases that are very ___________ (HARM) to the atmosphere of the planet.»


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Вопрос 33

You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend Ben.


…I’ve joined our school athletics team recently and now we are getting ready for a national competition! We have very intensive training indeed. Apart from PE classes, we exercise almost every day, either in the gym or at the stadium, depending on the weather…

…How many times a week do you have your PE classes? What sports activities do you like most? Would you like to take part in an important sports competition or not? Why?...



Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of

letter writing.


Пожалуйста, сравните полученный Вами ответ с ответом, указанным во вкладке "пояснение". Укажите баллы самостоятельно, руководствуясь критериями оценивания выполнения задания.


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Вопрос 34

You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.


We are always told that we should clean our teeth regularly to keep them healthy and to have fresh breath. It is believed that people started using a kind of paste to clean their teeth around 5000 years ago. However, the ingredients of these tooth powders were very different from ours. For example, the people of ancient Egypt used salt, mint, dried flowers and pepper to create tooth powder. Later, in the 18th century, in some countries in Europe, people brushed their teeth with burnt bread. The first toothpaste appeared in 1890, in Great Britain. At first it was sold in jars. Then special tubes were designed to make the toothpaste more comfortable to use.


Пожалуйста, сравните полученный Вами ответ с ответом, указанным во вкладке "пояснение". Укажите баллы самостоятельно, руководствуясь критериями оценивания выполнения задания.


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Вопрос 35

Task 2 (2–3 minutes)


You play the part of an exchange student in an international school. Your classmate Chris/ Cliristine has been shopping since school finished. At last he/she enters the room with a bag.

- Find out what your classmate has bought.

- Answer your classmate's questions about sports and your free time.

- Suggest going shopping together on Saturday.

- Suggest the meeting point and the meeting time and see if your classmate agrees.

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate.

Remember to:

- mention all the four aspects of the task;

- be active and polite.


Пожалуйста, сравните полученный Вами ответ с ответом, указанным во вкладке "пояснение". Укажите баллы самостоятельно, руководствуясь критериями оценивания выполнения задания.

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2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6

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Вопрос 36

You are going to give a talk about your dream job. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.



Remember to say:

– what job you would like to do when you grow up

– who or what influenced your decision

– what aspects of the job you like most, and why

You have to talk continuously.


Пожалуйста, сравните полученный Вами ответ с ответом, указанным во вкладке "пояснение". Укажите баллы самостоятельно, руководствуясь критериями оценивания выполнения задания.


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