Русский язык (Определение главной информации текста)

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Вопрос №1

                                                                               Раздел 1. Аудирование

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказывания­ми каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используй­те каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. За- несите свои ответы в таблицу.

  1. English people aren’t very religious.
  2. This healthy habit has little to do with religion.
  3. It’s one of the days worth going to church.
  4. It’s a national tradition to eat them on this day...
  5. It’s possible only one week a year.
  6. This treat was officially allowed only twice a year.
  7. It combines fun and profit.

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3 , 5 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 2

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Вопрос №2

Раздел 1. Аудирование

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, т.е. на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A) Victor and Ann have both passed all their exams.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

B) Ann liked her final exam in history.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

C) Ann’s exam consisted of two parts: multiple choice tasks and essay questions.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

D) Ann’s history professor used unique teaching materials.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

F) Ann’s course covered the periods from medieval to modern history of Civilizations.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

G) Ann’s exam tested both understanding of processes and knowledge of factual information.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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2 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 1 , 1

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Вопрос №3-9

Раздел 1. Аудирование

Вы услышите рассказ. В заданиях 3—9 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3.The girls decided to photograph a tiger in the wild in

1) the Aravali hills.

2) Ranthambhore Park.

3) Jaipur.

4.A good guide was essential to

1) provide technical support for the cameras.

2) secure a giant truck.

3) get a jeep.

5.The clothes chosen for the expedition were needed

1) to meet technical requirements.

2) for extremes of hot and cold.

3) for cold mornings.

6.Until that day the girls managed to get really good shots of

1) all the target species.

2) leopards and boars.

3) small animals like lizards, hares, gazelles.

7.The girls knew that

1) there was no guarantee of seeing a tiger.

2) huge patience guaranteed a tiger sighting.

3) skill was more important than luck to find a tiger.

8.The best photograph taken that day was that of

1) the beautiful tigress.

2) a single cub.

3) a sustained sequence of three cubs and the tigress.

9.The fact that the girls left after 5 minutes demonstrated their

1) politeness to the tigers.

2) acceptance of park laws.

3) gratitude to Farid.

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2 , 3 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 1

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Вопрос №10

Раздел 2. Чтение

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами А-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Almost daily

5. Poorly rewarded 

2. Daily distraction

6. High security

3. Mobile luxury

7. Daily treasure

4. Not like old days

8. Almost twice daily


A.Greg cycles to college every day. The college
park where you can leave your bicycle. Because many bikes have been stolen, Greg now has a daily ritual of carefully chaining the bike to a stand and locking each of the wheels. Then he removes the handlebar and saddle and locks them separately in a cabinet in the college.

B. Martin works for a posh “take away” restaurant called “Meals on wheels”. Every evening he has to put on a suit and by car, deliver a three course meal plus wine to rich people around the city. It is almost, Martin thinks, like being a butler or servant a hundred years ago. Except that he has three different “masters” every day. He thinks the restaurant should be called “Servants on Wheels”.

C.Locking up, Sasha reflected, was the worst possible responsibility. She was supposed to arrive at the restaurant at 4pm and officially she was supposed to finish at midnight when the restaurant closed, but she was the key holder and therefore always the last person to leave. Often this kept her there every night until lam or even later. At least she was paid a little extra for this but not enough — in her view!

D.Charlotte spends about 30 minutes every day writing her private diary. She has maintained this discipline since she was a teenager. Even if nothing particularly noteworthy has happened, she likes to record her impressions of people and conversations. She writes with a pen and has a complete book for every year since she started. These are safely locked away and considered by Charlotte to be her most valued possessions.

E.John walks to school every day — not because he has to, but because he enjoys it. It is about 2kms across some orchards, over the bridge and then just a short walk to the edge of town where the school is situated. Of course he can go by bus if the weather is exceptionally bad — and he always uses the bus to get home. But it is a pretty walk and an excellent way to start the day.

F.When Louise was a young girl growing up in Scotland — her family never used to lock the door. There was no crime in her village and visitors were always welcome. Now she has to lock up every night and secure all the windows. If a visitor comes she has a “spy hole” to check who it is before answering. Modern life in the city, she felt, was a different world to the one she grew up in.

G.Emma loves her dog. His name is Arnie, he is two years old and absolutely full of fun. But she has to take him out for a proper walk before and after school. She enjoys this but yet Emma hates getting up early in the morning and it is always a struggle for her, especially in the winter when it is still dark in the mornings. Sometimes her Mum helps and Emma is grateful beyond words.

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7 , 3 , 8 , 5 , 6 , 4 , 1

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Вопрос №11

Раздел 2. Чтение

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 — лишняя. Занесите цифру, обо-значающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

US student exchange program

An academic student exchange is for students aged 15-18 years old. It starts when a student signs up with a student exchange program in their country to go abroad, live in another country with a volunteer host family [A]_____ a single semester or an entire academic year. The local program either has an affiliate office in other countries, or cooperates with “sister” programs in other countries. 

The host country is the sponsoring agency. It issues the required forms that make [B]_____ the necessary visas, usually a J-l in the United States. Students will carry health insurance, bring their own spending money [C]_____ of the language spoken in the host country. 

Volunteer host families provide the student with room (his/her own bed, and a quiet place to study), board (three meals a day), and most importantly, LOVE! The student becomes part of the host family [D]_____ the host family's life. The student is responsible for maintaining good grades in the school he/she is attending and for taking on chores [E]_____ member. 

Each student and host family is supported by agency's volunteer representative whose main responsibility is to check up with the student, the host family, and the school to assure that the exchange is going smoothly. This may be your first trip away from home or your first airplane ride. Regardless, this will be the time of your life as you will be able to enjoy life in your host country [F]_____ , participating in your host country’s holidays just as the natives do. How about having a host brother or sister who will be your brother/sister for the rest of your life or making friends with whom you can stay in contact year after year? Most importantly, there is no better way to learn a language than to live in a society where it is exclusively spoken. For more information Contact the Student Exchange Resource Center at

  1. as does any other family
  2. it possible for a student to get
  3. as there are many ways to learn
  4. as no tourist can ever imagine
  5. and have some command
  6. and participates in all aspects of
  7. and attend a local high school for either

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Вопрос №12-18

Раздел 2. Чтение

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании выберите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, впишите её в соответствующее поле внизу страницы.

   A lesson with the Master

Joseph Knecht must have been twelve or thirteen years old at the time. For quite a while he had been a scholarship pupil in the Latin school of Berolfingen. His teachers at the school, and especially his music teacher, had already recommended him two or three times to the highest Board for admission into the elite schools... His music teacher, from whom he was learning violin and the lute, told him that the Music Master would shortly be coming to Berolfingen to inspect music instruction at the school. Therefore Joseph must practice like a good boy and not embarrass his teacher.

“What would you like to play?” — the Master asked. The boy could not say a word. Hesitantly, he picked up his exercise book and held it out to the Master. “No,” the Master said, “I want you to play from memory and not an exercise, something easy that you know by heart.” Knecht was confused and unable to answer. The Master did not insist. With one finger, he struck the first notes of a melody, and looked questioningly at the boy. Joseph nodded and at once played the melody with pleasure.

Once more, the Master said. Knecht repeated the melody, and the old man now played a second voice to go with it. Once more. Knecht played, and the Master played the second part, and a third part also. Once more. And the Master played three voices along with the melody... The boy and the old man ceased to think of anything else; they surrendered themselves to the lovely, congenial lines and figurations they formed as their parts crisscrossed. Caught in the network their music was creating, they swayed gently along with it, obeying an unseen conductor...

“Do you happen to know what a fugue is?” — the Master now asked. Knecht looked dubious. “Very well,” the Master said, “then Г11 show you. You’ll grasp it quicker if we make a fugue ourselves. Now the first thing you need in a fugue is a theme, and we don t have to look far for the theme. We’ll take it from our song”. He played a brief phrase, a fragment of the song’s melody. He played the theme once more, and this time he went to the first entrance and then to the second entrance. He changed the interval, then the third entrance repeated the first one again an octave higher, as did the fourth with the second. The exposition concluded with a cadence in the key of the dominant.

The boy looked at the player’s clever white fingers... His ear drank in the fugue; it seemed to him that he was hearing music for the first time in his life. Behind the music being created in his presence he sensed the world of Mind, the joy-giving harmony of law and freedom, of service and rule. He surrendered himself, and vowed to serve that world. In those few minutes he saw himself and his life, saw the whole cosmos guided, ordered, and interpreted by the spirit of music...

He had experienced his vocation, which may surely be spoken of as a sacrament. The ideal world had suddenly taken on visible lineaments for him. Its gates had opened invitingly... And through this venerable messenger — the Music Master — an admonition and a call had come from that world even to him, the insignificant Latin school pupil.

12.School that Joseph Knecht studied at was

1) a specialized school for poor kids.

2) an elite church music school.

3) a private school with grant-maintenance.

4) a secondary state school.

13.Joseph Knecht was

1) particularly good at playing violin and lute.

2) an average student with a social scholarship.

3) a bright music student, mainly keen on arts.

4) academically advanced in all the subjects.

14.Joseph could not do what the Master first asked him to do as he was

1) not able to play music from memory.

2) not articulate enough to answer the question.

3) too self-conscious, uncertain in his technical skills.

4) too nervous.

15.The Master started playing the melody with the boy because he wanted to

1) check the boy’s ability for improvisation.

2) warm the boy up and reduce his tension.

3) show him the correct way to play it.

4) demonstrate his technical superiority.

16.Explaining to Knecht what a fugue was, the Master

1) spontaneously created the needed piece on a well-known simple melody.

2) created a fugue, inviting the boy to participate in the improvisation.

3) improvised a fugue on the melody of the exercise they have just played.

4) played a well known fugue of Bach, based on the melody of the song.

17.The world of Mind that Joseph suddenly discovered for himself and vowed to serve was the world

1) where music alone reigned supreme.

2) of sacred service and self - sacrifice.

3) based on the interdependence of regularities and freedoms.

4) created by improvisation and free will of a Master.

18.The short lesson with the Master helped the boy to

1) understand his strong points and weaknesses.

2) widen his academic horizons.

3) mature and get ready for a real life.

4) choose a profession.

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Вопрос №19-25

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напеча­танные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните поля ответа получен­ными словами в соответствующем порядке. 

Scottish Castle


For more than 800 years the castle was a fortress against the English and rival Scottish clans. For the most part it _____ in a state of neglect since then.


About 150 years ago it became a luxurious farm house and then in the early part of the century it became a hunting and fishing lodge.


Wealthy visitors _____ good money trying to catch Atlantic salmon — Scotland’s the strongest sporting fish.


The inspiration to restore the castle _____ to John Faulkner when he


_____in the sea on an unusually warm August afternoon.


Now, ten years after that summer swim, he is in the mood for celebration as he finally his biggest ambition.


All the difficult and expensive restoration _____ and his first guests are due to arrive this evening.

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was , twentieth , paid , came , wasswimming , hasrealised , isfinished

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Вопрос №26-31

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26-31, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текстаЗаполните поля ответа получен­ными словами в соответствующем порядке. 

First Fast Food


Social historians argue about the birth of the modern fast food restaurant. There are certainly different definitions of “fast food” which makes it tricky to be _____ sure.


Although it is _____ to be definite, many historians go for Joseph Horn and Frank Hobart whose first outlet opened in Philadelphia in 1902.


But when they opened in New York, July 7th 1912 — their shop “Automat” caused an _____ sensation. They sold precooked food through small window opened by coin-operated slots.


Later on the two resource brothers opened a barbecue drive-in in San Berdino, California. It was a _____ location and very popular but they discovered all their profits came from burgers, fries, coffees, shakes and coco cola.


So they closed for three months and opened again selling only these goods from a _____ , served in paper packaging. Burgers at 15 cents each were hardly expensive.


Although some scholars may _____ these brothers were probably the most important in fast food history. Their names were Richard and Maurice McDonald.

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absolutely , impossible , unpredictable , unpredictable , wonderful , counter , disagree

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Вопрос №32-38

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соот­ветствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Вставьте номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в соответствующее поле внизу страницы.

Blue Whale Watching

For years I have had the same dream about a blue whale. I see the sea darken as the gigantic mammal comes to the surface. Then I see the monster  [32]_____ at me through the clear green water.

But finally I am about to see my dream come true. Several months of planning had brought me to the warm waters off the southern tip of Sri Lanka. Less than an hour after leaving the harbour we [33]_____at the location whales had been seen the day before.

Blue Whales are the largest creatures that have ever lived. Compared to the big “Blue” — elephants, hippos and the biggest great white sharks are tiny. My fellow tourists lined up  [34]_____the deck — all of us breathless with anticipation. Each of us is  [35]_____ to be the first to see the darkening of the sea.

I heard a shout behind me and suddenly the boat engines roared noisily as the boat was  [36]_____ towards a cloud of wheeling seabirds a kilometre ahead. A sharp blow of wind sees [37]_____ the birds and suddenly the ocean becomes calm. I feel like I am close to the end of my life’s  [38]_____, to the realization of dreams. And then suddenly there she is. The most beautiful sight I have ever seen.


1) see 2) watch 3) stare 4) observe


1) arrived 2) entered 3) reached 4) achieved


1) among 2) along 3) besides 4) between


1) assured 2) convinced 3) persuaded 4) determined


1) directed 2) pulled 3) set 4) parked


1) after 2) off 3) to 4) forward


1) destination 2) trip 3) travel 4) journey

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3 , 1 , 2 , 4 , 1 , 2 , 4

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Вопрос №39-40

Раздел 4. Письмо

При выполнении заданий 39 и 40 обратите внимание на не­обходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Запишите сна­чала номер задания (39, 40), а затем ответ на него. 

39.You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Fran who writes:

     ... This year we started learning French. I think ifs fun. Is English the only foreign language that pupils learn in Russia or can you choose other foreign languages? Is it fun to learn a foreign language for you? How do you plan to use it in the future?

     ... By the way, I was elected to our School Government and hope to get the position of the Minister of Sports...

In your letter

- answer her questions,

- ask 3 questions about about the rights and responsibilities of members of the School Government.

Write 100-140 words.

40.Remember the rules of letter writing.

Comment on the following statement.

Education polishes good natures and corrects bad ones.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

- make an introduction (state the problem)

- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

- make a conclusion restating your position

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